
Vegan Goods Market

Recomendado por 8 personas locales,

Consejos de personas locales

February 1, 2019
An easy and convenient place to shop for plant-based stuff, this market also provides visitors with an opportunity to meet and interact with like-minded people, and to learn more about vegan living and healthy, ethical eating. Expect a range of interesting stuff, including tasty food, indulgent sweet treats (cake and ice-cream), clothing, health and beauty products, and so much more! It’s time to get your vegan on!
An easy and convenient place to shop for plant-based stuff, this market also provides visitors with an opportunity to meet and interact with like-minded people, and to learn more about vegan living and healthy, ethical eating. Expect a range of interesting stuff, including tasty food, indulgent swe…

Actividades únicas en los alrededores

Acaricia a gatos hipoalergénicos mientras tomas té y picas algo
⭐ Senderismo por la montaña de la Mesa y bajada en teleférico
Haz snorkel en el mágico bosque marino africano

Recomendado también por los habitantes locales

Orpen Road
Cape Town, WC